
I combine my previous experience as an executive in the marketing field and my current academic expertise to deliberately amass a compilation of effective teaching techniques (e.g., case studies, simulation, gamification, and group work). My courses are well planned and in advance; nonetheless, I am flexible regarding the direction of the course. I continually challenge students to enhance their thoughts on various topics and encourage them to generate critical thinking about the issues dealt with in the class. This way, I model clear and critical thinking and expect it from the students.

I teach students from all backgrounds and nationalities, such as Brazil, France, Italy, German, Belgian, Singapore, Colombia, Denmark, Spain, the USA, Portugal, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland, to say a few.

Executive Education (Teaching Assessment - average 3.5 of 4)

  • Digital Marketing – Insper – (4h) – 2019 – current.
  • Digital Marketing to CMO’s (8h)– 2022 – current.

MBA (Teaching Assessment - average 3.7 of 4)

  • Marketing Strategy Trends – Insper – (30h) – 2020 – current.
  • Digital Marketing – Insper – (30h) – 2022 – current.

Undergraduate (Teaching Evaluation - average 3.5 of 4)

  • Digital Marketing – Insper –(80h) - 2018 - current.
  • Marketing Metrics and Data Driven Marketing (Insper) (80h) 2019 – current.
  • Conscious Consumption and Marketing (40h) – 2022-2. - – current.
  • Consumer Behavior (80h) _ 2021 -2

Other teaching experience as invited lecturer


  • Digital Marketing – FGV-EAESP –(30h) – 2019 - current

MBA, Executive Education, InCompany (Teaching Assessment - average 3.5 of 4)

  • Digital Connection- InCompany for AMBEV – Insper (8h) 2021-1.
  • Digital Marketing – InCompany for Siemens – FGV-EAESP (8h) 2019-2.
  • Digital Marketing – Executive Education and MBA Programs – FGV-EAESP –(20h)–2019- current.
  • Business Intelligence and Marketing – Executive Education Program - Saint Paul 2 x (8) – 2018-2; 2019-1.
  • Business Intelligence and Marketing – executive MBA - Saint Paul Business School and New York Finance Institute -1x(12h) – 2018-2.
  • Business Model Generation – executive MBA - FIA (Fundação Instituto de Administração Business School) –2 (4h) – 2012-1.


  • Digital Marketing – FGV-EAESP –(40h) – 2019.